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The Benefits of eLearning
in CPR Training

eLearning Solutions for CPR

If your goal is to improve the CPR learning experience, eLearning may be the answer...

CPR training has evolved markedly over the past 10 years. Learners still have access to traditional instructor-led courses. However, there are also online courses and low-dose, high-frequency models of training.

In this article, we focus on the benefits that eLearning, specifically, can bring to your CPR training. As you read, consider whether this approach to training would be suited to you and your organization.

How is eLearning used in CPR training?

eLearning (synonymous with virtual learning and online learning) to teach CPR is often used as part of an overall blended learning experience. Students complete their cognitive portion of the training online, replacing the lecture provided in a traditional instructor-led course. After completing the eLearning activity, learners have the option to attend a short, instructor-led course that focuses on skills practice or to complete their hands-on portion with a voice-assisted manikin (VAM).


Consistent, standardized results

The struggle in teaching CPR on a mass scale has always been how to maintain consistency while also achieving training efficiency. Historically, a combination of video and text materials have been used to meet this challenge--with an evergrowing emphasis on holding instructors accountable for not deviating from course materials.

The recent requirement for feedback devices to be used in testing has helped to improve consistency and standardization, not to mention make a more confident learner. But, some organizations and institutions may wish to do more. E-learning solutions can provide the structure that learners need, standardizing the course content as well as delivery.1


Studies show 50-60% better consistency of learning through technology-based training.2


When a cardiac emergency occurs, an approach to life-saving techniques that was reinforced by standardized training is what any organization strives for. When learners have received that stanardized training, you can be confident that they will feel more empowered to act.

Save time and money

By substituting lecture and video with eLearning, the only required time in a training center’s classroom is the hands-on skills exam. This not only reduces the need to hire instructors for the full length of the course (if at all), but also frees up the classroom for additional use. And, if your training center has a high volume of learners, this means that you can certify more learners at a faster rate and actually generate revenue.3

Because learners complete the cognitive portion on their own time, the training space is strictly used to perform skills checks with an instructor or VAM. Based on how your organization chooses to manage this shift in resources, there is potential for great cost-savings.

Cost-savings are not always the result of spending less money upfront – rather, they can occur in any number of ways. With eLearning, there may be an initial operational or implementation expense, but over time the improved efficiency can actually lead to a return on that investment.4

cost reduction

eLearning can result in significant cost-savings, sometimes as much as 50%, compared with traditional instructor-led learning.5

Increased learning engagement, retention, and satisfaction

By incorporating eLearning in CPR training, you have the potential to improve learner satisfaction as well as learning outcomes.

One study shows that when educators apply eLearning, learners experience an increase in motivation.6  Because of the perceived ease of use, the ability to complete modules at their own pace, and repeat parts of the curriculum until they feel confident, learners find this method of learning more accessible and engaging than traditional classroom methods.

Most learners agree that eLearning is a great tool to provide basic knowledge and tutorials, which can help form ideas and engage them in more complicated, high-level thinking.7 The ability to build an understanding of core concepts before moving onto harder material can lead to improved retention.


eLearning increases retention rates 25-60%.8




How can you teach effective CPR through eLearning?

Are you thinking about adding eLearning to your CPR training?

If so, you are likely wondering how you can make the most out of your investment and ensure the best possible learning environment and outcomes for your learners. Download our free checklist for tips to your success.

Download Checklist


  1. Ruiz, J.G., Mintzer, M.J., & Leipzig, R.M. (2006). The impact of e-learning in medical education. Academic Medicine, 81(3), 207-212. Retrieved from 
  2. WR Hambrecht & Co. (2000). Corporate eLearning: Exploring a New Frontier, p 9.
  3. Becker’s Health IT & CIO Report. (2015). Healthstream’s heartcode: Case study at Saint Peter’s University Hospital. Retrieved from
  4.  American Heart Association. (2019). First aid online training elearning with AHA. Retrieved from
  5. Ruiz, J.G., Mintzer, M.J., & Leipzig, R.M. (2006). See reference #1.
  6. Harandi, S.R. (2015). Effects of e-learning on students’ motivation. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 181(11), 423-430. DOI:
  7. Morton, C.E., Saleh, S.N., Smith, S.F., Hemani, A., Ameen, A., Bennie, T.D., et al. (2016). Blended learning: How can we optimise undergraduate student engagement?. BMC Medical Education, 16, article #195. Retrieved from
  8. WR Hambrecht & Co. (2000). See reference #2.

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