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World Sepsis Day

Any type of infection can cause sepsis

Every year, 50 million people develop sepsis and 11 million people die. Sepsis is a life-threatening response to infection. It can be caused by any type of infection. It may lead to shock, multiple organ failure, and death, especially if not recognized early and treated quickly.

The number of sepsis cases is increasing dramatically. The Global Sepsis Alliance reports that hospitalizations for sepsis have doubled over the last 10 years. And while most associate sepsis with hospital infections, international surveys estimate that 20-40% of sepsis patients develop sepsis outside hospitals.

The best COVID-19 care includes sepsis care

The effects of COVID-19 on the respiratory system are well-known, however, virtually all other organ systems can also be affected. The Global Sepsis Alliance has concluded definitively that COVID-19 can cause sepsis.

Signs of multi-organ injury typical of sepsis occurs in approximately 2-5% of those with COVID-19 after approximately 8-10 days. Many patients affected by COVID-19 will die from sepsis and its complications. Now more than ever, it is critical to recognize early signs of sepsis and initiate treatment.

50 Million

people develop sepsis every year

11 Million

people die

20 to 40%

develop sepsis out of hospital

If recognized early, sepsis can be treated. Know the symptoms.

Fever, shivering, very cold

Short of breath

Clammy or sweaty skin

Extreme pain

Confusion or altered mental status

Pale or discolored skin

Simulate for success

Simulation training can enable healthcare providers to accurately diagnose and treat sepsis. Using simulation scenarios to learn to identify standard and severe sepsis, to recognize sepsis in high-risk patients, to differentiate between sepsis and other conditions, and to assess and treat septic shock are among some of the learning objectives for simulation training.

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