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Buy One Gift One

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Buy One Gift One

You can make a difference

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 300,000 women die during pregnancy and childbirth every year and more than 2 million babies die during or soon after birth.

Most of these deaths are preventable.

By providing birth attendants around the world with opportunities to improve skills and competencies to manage life-threatening complications, we can help save many of these lives.

To provide such possibilities, Laerdal has introduced the Buy One, Gift One (BOGO) initiative.


For every MamaBirthie or MamaNatalie purchased through Laerdal Medical, a second one is donated to support the Helping Mothers Survive initiative.




More than a simulator
Designed to replicate childbirth, learners are able to develop important skills and knowledge in respectful care.                                                               

Adaptable and Complete
Support the training of normal birth and complications including abdominal and vaginal examinations, vacuum-assisted delivery, shoulder dystocia, and breech.

Learn more about this product


Prepare for fatal complications
Build competency and confidence in preventing and managing post-partum hemorrhage, the number one cause of maternal death during childbirth.

Third stage of labor management
Constructed to be wearable to provide instruction more realistically for handling uterine atony and retained placenta in addition to severe bleeding from hemorrhaging.

Learn more about this product

Helping Mothers Survive

Every life deserves an opportunity

Established in 2014, the Helping Mothers Survive Secretariat has expanded training opportunities for treating mothers and newborns in their initial stage of life.

Helping Mothers Survive (HMS) is a unique partnership between the clinical learning organization Jhpiego and Laerdal Global Health. Since its inception, over 86,000 providers have been trained.  



The gifted simulators are used for implementation of the Helping Mothers Survive Program in over 40 countries


We invite you to join us

Let your training make a difference

Together, we have an opportunity to ensure that women and newborns worldwide receive high-quality care by equipping health professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. 

To request more information on our life-saving products or how you can take part in the Buy One, Gift One program complete the form below

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We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.