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Little Anne

More efficient CPR Classroom Training


The latest generation Little Anne takes CPR classroom setup and training to the next level. The go-to community CPR manikin has been redesigned for improved efficiency, ease of use, and training impact.

Make Your CPR Training Best in Class


Stackable Design

Six manikins fit inside one rolling suitcase.


QCPR Enabled

Get quality feedback on compressions and ventilations.


Easy Setup

No extra tools required to setup or replace parts.


Expected Durability

Even with a lighter build, Little Anne meets Laerdal’s high durability standards.


Recycled Material

Manufactured from recycled material for improved sustainability and reduced CO2 impact.


Future Proof

Designed to be customizable and upgradable for tomorrow's needs.

Best in Class. Better Together.

Ecosystem illustration - app + little manikin + AED .png

A more sustainable solution

While Little Anne will both save instructor time and help trainees save lives, each manikin will also save resources. The new Little Anne design is part of Laerdal’s organization goal towards carbon neutrality and more circular solutions.


CO2 emissions

Compared to the previous generation Little Anne


Recycled content

All polypropylene (PP) plastic parts contain at least 60% post-consumer recycled PP

Little Anne and AED Trainers Order Info Form

Kolor skóry

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

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