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Laerdal Sustainability Awards

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2023 Supplier Sustainability Awards

Honoring the sustainable practices and initiatives of our suppliers

Sustainability matters here at Laerdal. We have a deep belief that a sustainable business is human-led, and we want to do the right thing for people and the planet.  It is important for us to work with suppliers that have the same values and beliefs.

As part of our growing commitment to fostering long-term benefit across the globe, our Supplier Sustainability Awards, started in 2022, highlight our business partners that share our goals. The deadline for applications for our 2023 Awards is 31 March.

We honor two categories: Environmental Protection and Social Responsibility

Environmental Protection Award

This award acknowledges a supplier for their notable environmental activities that lead to the protection of the environment. 

Social Responsibility Award:

We believe that good social responsibility deserves great recognition!  For this award, we wish to recognize a supplier that is making a big difference in this area.

2022 Award Winners


Environmental Protection Award Winner

Producing plastic is an immense challenge for many. However, SP Moulding has embraced the challenge with a comprehensive strategy.

They’re moving toward using 100% renewable energy in global production (a goal to hit by 2030). They have reduced overall emissions through increased usage of recycled plastics.

Lastly, they have implemented transparency measures which provide a clear view of their total environmental and social impact. They invite scrutiny in their usage of energy, water, raw materials, and Greenhouse Gas emissions.


Social Responsibility Award Winner

With a focus on the United Nations’ Global Compact and Guiding Principles, ATEA has an impressive target and code around social responsibility.

Their platinum rating from EcoVadis along with being active members of the Responsible Business Alliance, further displays their commitment.

Finally, their pledge to teach 1 million people about sustainability embodies the spirit of this award. ATEA’s focus on inclusivity and utilizing technology to reach the SDGs by 2030 sets the standard.

2022 Partner Sustainability Impact Awards Show

Honorable Mentions

  • HP, Environmental Protection
  • NorEngros, Environmental Protection
  • Materialise, Social Responsibility
  • J&T, Social Responsibility