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Digital Together

Our digital programs, deeply rooted in the latest science, lead healthcare organizations on an immediate journey to high-quality and verified CPR competence to maximize lifesaving outcomes.  

Digital CPR education - transforming resuscitation for life

Maximizing lifesaving outcomes

The American Heart Association digital resuscitation portfolio is the preferred solution to deliver safe and effective CPR quality improvement uniquely and efficiently.

CPR training has changed dramatically over the last years. RQI is a transformational way to show maintenance of competence, and for many, it is the new normal for in-hospital CPR training. The time for digital is now – let’s begin the journey.

Safe, verified, and effective CPR training

In a changing world that is still evolving, traditional healthcare education models are no longer possible. The RQI® digital portfolio of programs provides safe, distanced, and self-directed resuscitation education, ensuring continuity of education and quality improvement for high-quality CPR.

Grandes resultados

El entrenamiento de dosis baja y alta frecuencia es la base de los programas de mejora de la calidad de la reanimación (RQI) que miden y verifican la competencia, para ayudar a los proveedores de atención médica a conservar las habilidades para salvar vidas.

Los resultados hablan por si mismos:
  • En promedio, más del 97% de todos los usuarios de RQI siguen cumpliendo.
  • En un estudio realizado por Mercy Health, encontraron que el 82 % de los usuarios sentían que tenían más confianza en sus habilidades de RCP después de usar RQI.
  • Las instituciones de atención médica que usan RQI ven un aumento de +20 % en las tasas de supervivencia de un paro cardíaco.


Learning RQI

Conozca cómo el programa RQI puede ayudar a mejorar la calidad de la reanimación en su hospital.
Encuentre publicaciones de blog, procedimientos y biblioteca de evidencia:

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Verified CPR competence is the new standard of care. The RQI portfolio can help your organization deliver this new standard to your patients, and does so at a lower cost than the traditional program.

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The American Heart Association’s HeartCode® programs deliver quality resuscitation training through a more flexible delivery method. This method gives providers and administrators more control of their time, schedules, and resources.

We Can Help

Your organization's resuscitation program directly impacts the quality of patient care—but not all resuscitation programs are created equal. Our programs, built using American Heart Association resuscitation and education science coupled with Laerdal Medical technology represent a comprehensive service offering, combining resuscitation technology, data, analytics, and impact management, delivered through a robust system of support.

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