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Policy commitment on anti-slavery

Policy commitment on anti-slavery

In accordance with national laws and international principles on antislavery we do in Laerdal, and in our subsidiaries, take steps to assure we live according to these principles. We recognize that modern slavery including human trafficking, forced labor, bonded labor, child slavery, and hazardous child labor can occur in every industry and sector. Where problems or risks are identified, we take steps to understand what these risks are and to manage them accordingly.

In the Laerdal Code of Conduct and in the Laerdal Medical Code of Conduct for Business Relationships we communicate our commitment to working according to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“UNGP’s”) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. 

To ensure that work is performed according to these standards, Laerdal conducts regular impact assessments within the range of its core activities. Laerdal expects that its business partners also work according to these standards and assess the impact of their activities by either utilizing the same tools and methodology as Laerdal or documenting that any alternatives selected to ensure compliance with the standards and can be used to adequately assess the impact of their activities, especially those that are directly linked to Laerdal.

Modern slavery statement 2021 (PDF)