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시작 교육 과정(Getting Started Courses)

교육 서비스

시뮬레이터와 교육 주제를 모두 다루는 1일 현장 교육 과정과 함께 시뮬레이션 프로그램으로 올바르게 시작하세요.

Everything you need to get the right start

If you are new to simulation or need to get up to speed on a new simulator, this course is for you. The Getting Started course introduces you to the basic functions of your simulator. Hands-on activities help your team become familiar with the simulator and how to be operational.

The course includes learning startup and shut down procedures, how to navigate the instructor application, patient monitor and instructor device operations, and the features of your simulator. After the course, you should be ready to start using your simulator for simulation-based education.

What you'll learn

  • General operating functions
  • System components
  • Simulator features
  • How to start and shut down properly
  • Run simulations using the patient monitor
  • Debriefing systems
  • Operating modes of the Learning Application software

Who benefits from this course

I liked the hands-on training and it was great to practice our skills afterwards to see if we grasped the information.

Our people are committed to your success

Providing quality healthcare is a journey. We want to walk with you on that journey. We have the experience and expertise, plus the size and scale, to ensure you get the support you need. With Laerdal Services, everyone benefits – the instructors, learners, and most importantly the patients.

It's our goal to understand your goals for your simulation program. We want to know your specific learning objectives, your challenges, and how you want your program to evolve over time.

Our people empower you to be your best. People like Danny, one of our experienced Educational Service Specialists. 

What's next?

After completing the Getting Started Course you will understand the basic functions of your simulator. If you have a SimPad platform simulator, the next step is the Teaching with SimPad course. If you have a computer-based simulator, the Teaching with LLEAP course is right for you.

Once you are confident with your simulator operating system, the Teaching with Scenarios course will teach you how to use your system with pre-programmed scenarios and how to measure your training for evaluation and debriefing.

 Scenarios Programming & Implementation Service 

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당사는 귀하의 개인 연락처 정보를 Laerdal의 개인정보 보호정책에 따라 신중히 처리합니다.