

Work in India

We work out of several locations in India with primary locations in Bangalore and Mumbai.

Laerdal Bangalore is our software solutions hub. We deliver, manage, and operate our Learning Technology Infrastructure on a global scale and executing large scale infrastructure projects for some of our major partners. We also do exciting work in the areas of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and 3D animation as well as provide software engineering support for content development and mobile applications to our product development teams in Copenhagen and Stavanger.

Mumbai is the heart of our India operations and sales teams. Apart from being the hub for the sales team in Western India, all industrial design and development, finance, program implementation, and marketing functions are also based out of Mumbai. Having all the teams under a common roof allows us to work collaboratively, not just for design and development activities, but also for all the other projects that we do.

We could not achieve our mission in India without working very closely with partners across the country. This means we work both with our profit as well as not-for-profit solutions on numerous projects with governmental and private organizations.

Diverse backgrounds with a common goal

Our teams consist of people from different backgrounds – we have a doctor, an ex-diplomat, an architect, a photographer and an organic farmer – all under the same roof. This provides us with unique perspectives and leads us towards our mission-focused solutions.

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  • 「眠らない街」は、ニューヨークばかりではありません。ムンバイもニューヨークに引けをとりません
  • ムンバイはインドの商業の中心都市です
  • ムンバイには150キロメートルの海岸線があります
  • 1853年、ムンバイにはインドで最初の鉄道が敷設されました。現在ムンバイの鉄道は、年間25億人の乗客を運んでいます
  • インド映画産業の中心地です

About Bangalore

  • Bangalore has the highest percentage of engineers in the world
  • 1 million IT professionals live in Bangalore
  • Considered to be the start-up capital of India
  • It is also considered the Silicon Valley of India
  • 86% literacy rate
  • More than 40% of the landscape is gardens and parks
"After six years of working with Laerdal in India, there’s one thing that I hold most dear and that is the people I work with – all driven by our mission of helping save lives. Moreover, sharing ideas and working collaboratively with my design teams in Norway, Denmark, and the USA has helped me learn new skills and stay up to date with the latest in my field. Also, my work takes me across the world for field research and product testing and this has helped me develop close empathy with the end users of our products and build strong relationships outside the organization as well."

Siddhartha Joshi
Product Design Manager, Product Design India